Wednesday, March 30, 2011

In Defense of Bad Weather

All week long people have been apologising for the weather. It's been raining severely for at least a portion of every day that I've been here. But the thing is, I really don't mind. And it is certainly not ruining my stay here.

Consider, for instance, that some of the most dramatic scenery emerges in bad weather. The gathering of storm clouds. The mist rising over the glens. The waves crashing onto rocky shores. Tall grass windswept. These things cannot be captured - or seen, for that matter - without this so-called "bad" weather.In the rain, colours look brighter, more saturated. The smell of flowers grows more intense, Textures come out that are not otherwise visible.

In bad weather, you get to know a place better. Any spot can look charming in the sunshine and under blue skies. But how will it look in the rain and under the shadow of storm clouds? Some places are rather depressing as soon as the weather turns bad; others are breathtakingly romantic.

They say rain is good for your complexion, that it makes your skin radiant and restores elasticity. Just think: Every time you are out in the rain, you are really getting a beauty treatment.

In the rain the country roads are mostly empty - ideal for cycling in peace and tranquility while enjoying views unobscured by cars and tourists.

It's a clichéto say there is no such thing as bad weather, and I don't really believe that anyway. There are tornados, hurricanes, lightning storms, blizzards. But some heavy rain? I get my camera, check my brakes, wear waterproof clothing, turn my lights on, protect my equipment inside a bicycle bag, and enjoy the ride. No need to apologise, Ireland - the weather is lovely!

Goldfields on Figueroa

Goldfields on Figueroa, originally uploaded by ParsecTraveller.

Here are some goldfields up on the slopes of Figueroa Mountain in Santa Barbara County. The mountain is spectacular, with beautiful displays of wildflowers.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Estate of Dederick Hoffman :: The Sale Bill

Sale Bill, page 1

Estate of Dederick Hoffman (Packet 805) Columbiana County, Ohio

FHL film 2032459 accessed June 8, ..

The cover page shows that the sale bill was filed July 1st 1826.

A List of the property Sold on the 15th day of May 1826 by the Administrators of the Estate of Detrich Hoffman late of Columbiana County Deceased with the amount that the Articles was Sold for to wit

Samuel Hoffman one Shue hammer & chisel - - 20
George Holderreed a hammer wedge & pinchers - - 38
Christian Betz one Square and hog tongs - - 16
John Beevers Mull rings and wedge - - 38
Christian Betz 2 hay forks - - 58
John Hoffman Dung fork & Shovel - - 47
Saml Hoffman Dung hook - - 50
Susanah Hoffman one Spade - - 12 1/2
Jacob Keckly one Matick - - 41
John Hoffman one axe & Bell - - 27
Saml Hoffman one bell - - 75
Thomas Minor on Do 01 00
Saml Hoffman one drawing knife - - 25
David Gearinger a lot of Augurs - - 25 1/2
Christain Betz one inch Augur - - 40
Saml Hoffman one hand Saw - - 50
Abraham Hoffman one axe 01 06 1/4
Jacob Stauffer one mans Saddle 01 01
Saml Hoffman one flax hackel - - 39
Christian Myr a curry comb - - 06 1/2
Thomas Kitch Jr one Grind Stone - - 46
Henry Bricker Jr one pair of hems [?] - - 40
Saml Hoffman one cow chain - - 14
Do Do Do Do - - 28
Do Do Do Do - - 25
Thomas Minor a halter chain & coler - - 94
Wm Baker one lot of traces chains - - 62 1/2

Sale Bill, page 2

Estate of Dederick Hoffman (Packet 805) Columbiana County, Ohio

FHL film 2032459 accessed June 8, ..

Henry Bricker Jr Skillet & lid - - 74
Saml Hoffman one Griddle - - 30
David Gochaneur one pot - - 90
John Hoffman one Dutch oven 01 00
Frederic Betz one Dough tray - - 06 1/4
Abraham Mumert one churn - - 32
John Fry one barrel 00 04
David Gocheneur one Spinning wheel - - 79
Do Do two chairs - - 35
Saml Boots a lot of upper leather 01 02
Wm Baker one chest 01 50
Jacob Stauffer Jr one feed trough - - 26
Henry Miller 2 tow [?] bags - - 63
Saml Hoffman 2 turilled [?] bags - - 56
Abraham Mumertt Do Do - - 72
Frederic Betz one Jack Screw 03 50
Saml Hoffman one half Bushel - - 18 3/4
Jacob Roller one Riddle - - 25
John Hoffman one 12 gallon Kettle 03 12 1/2
Saml Hoffman Do Do Do 02 65
David Gocheneur one meet tub - - 57
George Holterreed one log chain 02 00
Henry Miller a lot of tin ware - - 06 1/4
David Gearinger a lot of Spoons - - 20
Henry Miller a coffee pot dish - - 14
Abraham Mumert one pair of Sheep Shears - - 37 1/2
Abraham Hoffmann a German Sermon book - - 25
Abraham Mumert a pewter Dish - - 22 1/2
Abraham Hoffman 2 German books - - 27
Saml Hoffman a German Bible - - 75

Sale Bill, page 3

Estate of Dederick Hoffman (Packet 805) Columbiana County, Ohio

FHL film 2032459 accessed June 8, ..

Jacob Roller 8 knives - - 30
Henry Miller a tea Kettle - - 27
Christian Meese cups and Saucers - - 12 1/2
Do Do a lot of plates - - 12 1/2
Do Do a tin pan - - 18 3/4
Andrew Altman a lot of pewter - - 59
Henry Bricker Sr 7 yds of Shirting linnen 01 57 1/2
Henry Miller Do Do Do 01 82
Abraham Hoffman 8 Do Do Do 02 40
Isaac Baughman 10 yards of tow 01 82 1/2
John Hoffman 4 yds of Woollen cloth 03 00
Abraham Hoffman one coggshell - - 38
Saml Hoffman one Steelgavel 01 04
Abraham Hoffman one Rifle gun and exutrmer [?] 09 25
John Hoffman a clock and case 05 80
Micheal Frederic a Dresser 02 87 1/2
Saml Hoffman a pot tramel 62 1/2
Abraham Hoffman one mare 40 37 1/2
Christian Halderman one Sow and pigs 03 07
Henry Bricker Sr one Barrow 01 92
David Gocheneur one ew and lamb 01 94
Do Do one Do 01 31
Do Do DoDo 01 45
Samuel Hoffman one cuting Box - - 75
Jacob Keckly one windmill 05 15
George Holterreed one pidea [?] Steer 05 03
Do Do one black Do 05 00
Johnathan Tyler on Cow 10 14
John Hoffman one heiffer calf 03 25
Wm Betz two crocks 00 14

Sale Bill, page 4

Estate of Dederick Hoffman (Packet 805) Columbiana County, Ohio

FHL film 2032459 accessed June 8, ..

Wm Betz two crocks - - 14
Wm Betz two crocks - - 12 1/2
Henry Bricker 6 lbs flax yarn - - 96
Do Do Do Do - - 96
Frederic Swarts one lot of rye 01 80
Jacob Roller Do Do 01 89
Micheal Frederic 3 yr Bushels of buckwheat - - 56
Do Do 2 crocks - - 07
Philip Houtz 10 bushels of wheat 02 60
Joseph Frederic Do Do Do 02 90
Henry Bricker Jr Do Do Do 03 20
Frederic Betz Do Do Do 03 12 1/2
Henry Hoffman Do Do Do 03 12 1/2
Joseph Frederic Do Do Do 03 12 1/2
Christian Meess 3 Do more or less 00 90
Frederic Swarts 10 bushels of oats 01 40
Saml Fox Do Do 01 40
Do Do Do Do 01 40
Do Do Do Do 01 40
Henry Bricker Senr one bed and beding 06 00
Frederic Betz 10 lbs of Sugar - - 75
John Sheets Do Do Do - - 70
Do Do Do Do Do - - 75
Do Do to Sugar - - 12 1/2
Saml Hoffman one cag - - 25
Henry Miller 35 lbs of Becon 01 57 1/2
Do Do 32 lbs Do 01 12 1/2
John Hoffman 22 lbs Do - - 70
Do Do 13 1/4 lbs Do - - 67 1/2

Sale Bill, page 5

Estate of Dederick Hoffman (Packet 805) Columbiana County, Ohio

FHL film 2032459 accessed June 8, ..

John McConner one lot of beef - - 84
Frederic Swarts one gig - - 10
Frederic Betz one Barel - - 12 1/2
Samuel Butz one chisel - - 07
Saml Hoffman one third of a lot of rye in the ground 06 85
Do Do one third of a lot of wheat in the grnd 08 00

I do certify that the above is a correct list and amount of property Sold at the sale before mentioned.

Jacob Roller Clk [crossed out]

John Hoffman

Samuel Hoffman

Monday, March 28, 2011

Today's Ice/mixed conditions in SWPA

Here are a few "current conditions" photos from the various ice/mixed climbing locations around Southwestern PA. Most things are thin, but climbable. The cooler temps are building ice fast!

Secret Cliffs I - left phto is of lower tier with its delaminated topout, A much more solid upper tier is pictured in the right photo.

Secret Cliffs II - Overivew of cliff conditions in left photo. Central area is shown in the right photo. Conditions looking promising. Central climbs are in and looking good. Quite a bit dripping going on. Called on account of Security is IN and looking fatter than ever. Left of Central area (Beast Wall) is just about connecting down. the lowdown L to R: Monsta - OUT, The Beast - OUT, Son of Beast - IN (very thin), Frankenstein - IN. Central Area - IN, Final Obligation - IN, The Awakening - IN, Curtain - OUT (Wet and questionable attachment at lip), Called on Account of Security - IN, The Corner - IN, The Sick-le - ALMOST.

South Connellsville Rod & Gun Club - Left photo of Laura Hahn below a very uniced Internet Connection. Right photo is Main flows. L to R Cave Shot, NRA, Longshot. Caveshot would take short screws and protect. The other 2 - OUT

Also checked, but not photographed was lower Meadow Run. I'm happy to report that there's much more ice than a few days ago. The Main flow should be good for those looking to find climbable ice this upcoming weekend. Also on a positive note, the long term forcast looks very promising for building ice.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Georgia Sunset :: On The Road Again

Reflection in the side window of Van
Dora. Taken January 31, .. at the Georgia Veteran's Memorial State
Park southeast of Americus, Georgia.

A few minutes later, the colors are more muted.

You may have guessed by now that I am no longer in Indiana! I was ready to leave the cold weather behind in November, but for a variety of reasons was unable to get away until the end of January. After a short stop in Alabama to spend a few days with my friend and distant cousins, Babs, I've been enjoying the much warmer temperatures and very pleasant weather in Florida for the last week (in spite of several rainy days). As an added bonus, I was able to meet-up (separately) with two geneablogger-real-life friends, Charley aka Apple, and Denise Barrett Olson. I thank them both for their hospitality and for the time spent with them.

Even though I am now traveling, work continues on that monster Database Cleanup that was started in December. Once the sun goes down I have several hours before turning in for the night - and those rainy days are put to good use too. It's actually kind of fun - I'm getting "reacquainted" with some of the families that I haven't worked on for a long time and seeing a lot of "data holes" that need to be filled. It is awfully tempting to go searching for the "missing" information but I'm trying really hard to stay on track!

Registration for G.R.I.P. was last week and as much as I really wanted to attend (particularly the new tract with Tom Jones) I decided to forgo that opportunity this year. To be honest, I haven't fully absorbed everything from last year. The syllabus and my notes are traveling with me so when I get tired of working on the database they are available to peruse. I also felt that it was important to get the database straightened up a bit as well as getting all those documents reviewed that I obtained at Salt Lake City in .. and .. - I have barely even scratched the surface with them. Perhaps G.R.I.P. or one of the other institutes will be on the agenda in 2014.

I'm not sure how long I'll be traveling this time around, or even where all I'll be going. There are a few places on the "definite" list, mostly in The West, but this journey will be taken at a much slower pace than was done previously, with more time spent at each stop along the way.


Welford - Sibbertoft - Welford

Barry led this walk, with me and Gordon. Almost 10 and a half miles, and the weather was fine, though blustery, and quite cold in the wind.

We parked near the school in Welford, on West St, and walked through Butchers Close to the High Street, past a couple of ex-pubs, and the Old Post Office, then turned left, past a development of new houses ( from barns) and across some fields, following a path, which joined the Jurassic Way, and funnelled us between hedges briefly. We followed the Jurassic Way through some fine scenery, across a tiny river - the infant Avon, of Stratford fame - and up past Sulby Lodge Farm, home of Shep the dog. Soon afterwards we met the Naseby Road, turned left and after Grange Lodge turned right along the path beside Welford Reservoir, then across the weir which divides it from Sulby Reservoir.

a kestrel

A robin watches as we wander by

The path left the water and went nor'nor'east, through a field showing plenty of evidence (humps and bumps and hollows) of the old mediaeval village of Old Sulby.

Part of Old Sulby, with the northern arm of Sulby reservoir in the background

The path crossed a track and then another field. Just after some buildings on the right the Jurassic Way turns east. We continued along as far as Sibbertoft, where we turned right and walked along the road which skirts the southern edge of the village, ignoring all turnings to the left, and turned right at a green where three roads converge. At a right-angle bend to the left, our path turned off to the right. There was a fair amount of walking through fields here, some of them muddy - the path was generally easy to follow, in a more or less south-westerly direction, cutting diagonally across the fields.

We were aiming for the small piece of woodland at the end of the reservoir's eastern arm. Through the wood, the path proved to be very muddy and wet, but at the other side we came out on to a decent track. It leads from Oak Tree Farm - which isn't on the map. The track leads up hill gently, and we had a snack break when we reached the gate by the Naseby road. A good choice - sheltered from the wind.

Across the road is the site of Sulby Abbey, founded in c.1155, occupying a considerable area, and frequently visited by Edward II. According to this site, the monks were not always perfectly behaved, and there are details of some of the punishments they were given.

In 1538, Thomas Cromwell was informed that'the papistical den of idle and utterly unlearned beasts at Soulbie' had beenbroken up.

Next downhill a bit, and over the mighty Avon again, then upwards and onwards to the A 5199. We seemed to be approaching the A14, closer and closer, noisier - but a few hundred yards short, we turn west and parallel to it, then meet the minor road which crosses it. We turn our backs on the big road, and after less than half a mile, past Welford Lodge Farm, we turn left again and head across country towards Hemplow Lodge Farm. This is a popular child-care nursery, if the traffic along the lane is anything to go by. There's a manicured lawn and mini-lake here, and the path could do with clearer signs.

We turned sharp right, and straight along the lane, past a house named the Hemplow Arms, straight on at the crossroads, and into Welford along West End.

Hora pars vitae - each hour is a part of life

500 Summits!

It has been in the works since 1975 and last week early on a Saturday morning, mountain guide George Dunn reached the top of Mount Rainier for the 500th time! He climbed with his wife Nancy, son Jeremy along with friends Phil Ershler and Eric Simonson.

On the way up they had to fight through some tough wind and lightning, but were able to push on to the summit, helping George break his previous record of 499 summits! This is by far the most anyone has ever climbed Mount Rainier and he doesn't seem like he will be slowing down anytime soon.

George has been guiding for the past 35 years and has led many climbing trips throughout the world. His knowledge of climbing and of Mount Rainier specifically is a great asset to all of us here. He is currently a co-owner of International Mountain Guides, one of three guide services that operate full time here on Rainier. Our congrats go out to George and his family on this terrific achievement.

For more information about guided trips on Rainier check out these links, and for more information on Georges climb, including photos and videos click here.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Boom, LOUD... Road closed...

The bombing operation referred to last week went by without a hitch (i.e. no one was blown up). However, it didn't solve all of the threats to the road. Unlike a typical ski patrol operation where they mitigate the hazard regularly, the snowpack above the road to Paradise grew so large that it required larger amounts of bomb making material to blast the heck out of the slopes. Good thing too, because those bombs released a substantial amount of snow that was more than ready to slide... And as for the entire day, avalanche control with the use of bombs made for a really unique NPS experience!

The explosive activity took place in an area called "Washington Cascades." That's about 1.5 miles below Paradise and just above the "Canyon Wye" (where you turn right to visit Stevens Canyon, Box Canyon, and Ohanapecosh.) As you can see to the right, Chris Olson is strapping some blasting caps to a 50 lb. bag of ammonium nitrate. This is something of a new operation for most of us (not so new to Chris). Anyway, this explosive was lowered on a plastic sled (the type your kids slide upon) into avalanche terrain where they were ignited with a "shock tube." All in all, it was impressive and really effective. Last Friday, those bombs released a number of large slides in "Washington Cascades." The slides buried the road with debris and took care of the looming avalanche hazard that threatened the road crew operators.

At this time, the road to Paradise remains closed. But that's largely due to the frequent and thunderous slides that have occurred lower on the road (i.e. well below Paradise). The rain and warmer temps activated a number of avalanche slopes. In one area, the "Christine Hairpin", located just below the Comet Falls trailhead, a slide covered both lanes of the road with over 20 feet of deposition! As far as we recall, nobody has seen this sort of debris at Christine Hairpin in the almost 20 years. Above the Glacier Bridge, there are four other significant slide paths in what we call "Glacier Hill". Slides in that area also produced similar piles of wet, heavy snow. The NPS road crew is now scratching, digging, and plowing away at the massive mounds, but it's considered that the road to Paradise may not open for another 4-7 days. As you can see in this image to the left, the road is gone/buried. Nobody has ventured above Ricksecker Point, roughly 5 miles below Paradise since Monday. Hopefully, we will be able to ski up to Paradise tomorrow, dig out the telemetry site, and see what's going on.

When thinking about the avalanche threat, we are somewhat fortunate. Warm weather has started to consolidate the snowpack and things appear a little safer this week. There is some rain in the forecast for the next 24 hours, but probably not enough to produce the large slides that observed so far. The NWAC has dropped the hazard level from Extreme to Considerable/Moderate (below 7000 feet). Stay tuned, we'll keep you up to date on what's shaking. For now, don't rely on being able to visit Paradise over the President's Day weekend. Top image by Stefan Lofgren, second by Chris Olson "The snowcovered road above Glacier Bridge."

Monday, March 21, 2011

Riding and Writing: Meeting Malachi O’Doherty

Malachi O'Doherty and His Touring Bike

It is a clear afternoon after a long spell of rain, and I am sitting in the front room, trying to work. Although really I am looking out the window as I wait for my guest. He is taking the train from Belfast, then riding his bike the rest of the way to my rural dwelling. I have given extremely detailed directions and hope he finds the place okay. The kettle is on. I compose myself. I will keep it cool upon meeting him, and by no means will I act like an excited 12-year old. As I tell myself this one more time, I hear the unmistakable ring of a bicycle bell.

Malachi O'Doherty and His Touring Bike

Last year I posted a review of the book On My Own Two Wheels by Malachi O’Doherty- a Belfast writer who rediscovered cycling in his 6th decade of life. As part of his plunge into all things bicycle, Malachi had been reading my blog. Unbeknownst to him, all the while I had also been reading his writing - on the conflict in Northern Ireland. His books on the subject are a unique mix of personal and political, morphing effortlessly from sharp social commentary to novelesque memoirs, complete with details of his sex-life. Starting withI Was a Teenage Catholic and The Trouble with Guns, I went through the books one after another.I was drawn to Malachi's writing not only by the topic, but also by how organically he intertwined such seemingly disparate genres. I have done some political writing in the past, including co-authoring a (tearfully dry and boring) foreign policy book. But more recently, I've been working on some fiction/memoir type writing, which has been profoundly messy and frustrating. Reading Malachi's work helped me see that what I thought was impossible to write about, on my own terms, was in fact possible. Of course I never dreamt of approaching the author to discuss any of this... until we "met" through Lovely Bicycle. Life indeed can be stranger than fiction.

Malachi O'Doherty and His Touring Bike

Now I'm in Northern Ireland, and Malachi O’Doherty is outside - in person. He looks friendly, simultaneously distinguished and youthful, and slightly out of breath. He is wearing a leather bomber jacket over jeans and a flannel button-down, an outfit in which he'd cycled 15 miles in the heat. At this moment I forget he is a writer whom I am eager to meet, and relate to him as cyclist to cyclist. I come out to greet him and examine the bike so vividly described in On My Own Two Wheels. It does not disappoint. Decked out in all manner of commuter and touring accessories, the steel blue Ridgeback stands out from the sleek racing bikes that fill the country roads around these parts.

Malachi O'Doherty and His Touring Bike

There are lights on every braze-on, and racks galore.

Malachi O'Doherty and His Touring Bike

There is a handlebar bag, strategically positioned above the external cables of the Shimano shifters (notorious for interfering with handlebar bags).

Malachi O'Doherty and His Touring Bike
There is an adjustable stem.

Malachi O'Doherty and His Touring Bike

An enormous roadster-style bell is mounted to the drop bars

Malachi O'Doherty and His Touring Bike

A heavy duty foldable lock graces the downtube in leu of a 3rd bottle cage.

Malachi O'Doherty and His Touring Bike

An invisible ink security system provides extra theft protection.

Malachi O'Doherty and His Touring Bike

A bar-end mirror is mounted so low I am compelled to ask whether he can actually see out of it ("Nah, not really" Malachi laughs.)

Malachi O'Doherty and His Touring Bike

But the pièce de résistance is the forward-set saddle - which lends the modern touring bike an air of an antique pathracer. Malachiexplains that, after some time, the bike's fit felt simultaneously too big and too relaxed. So he simply reversed the seatpost to solve both issues.

Overall, the bike comes across as both amusing and somberly dignified - which I suspect is how the owner intends it.For over tea I discover that Malachi is one of those rare people capable of being both intensely serious and intensely funny, switching between these modes seamlessly. His speaking voice is that of a natural story teller. And there is also something of the “seen it all, heard it all” country doctor about him. I get the impression there is little one could say to shock this man: that whatever shameful thing you have to reveal, he will just chuckle and nod, as if it is perfectly matter-of-course, in the scheme of things. I imagine all this is a useful toolkit for a journalist, dealing with such a touchy topic as the socio-political climate in Northern Ireland.

Bikes and Binevenagh

On me Malachi's manner has an immediate disarming effect. I feel at ease, and also like a younger, less jaded version of myself. We talk for several hours, and none of it is bike related. Then we go for a ride, continuing the conversation. Malachi is quite good to ride with. We meander easily as we talk, synchronisng speeds and weaving around each other. At one point a dog leaps out from a farmer's yard and, to my horror, goes for my companion's ankle. This does not seem to phase him in the least. "He's got my trousers!" Malachi remarks with a laugh as he shakes the angry little creature off. Then he continues with his train of thought. It occurs to me that this is how he's learned to deal with life's problems - and, more specifically, with being threatened, as a journalist writing about sensitive topics.

Malachi O'Doherty, Limavady

We talk about writing, and how doing it every day becomes addictive, like cycling. You don't feel right if you don't ride. And you don't feel right if you don't write. It almost doesn't matter what and for how long, as long as you write/ ride something that day. In that vein, we also talk about "real" writing versus writing you do because it is easy, or a change of pace, or a tactic to deal with writer's block - filling those gaps when the real stuff does not flow. Lately Malachi has been submitting stories to an erotica magazine (here is one about cycling, if you're curious) that are exactly that. The stories flow easily and he has fun writing them. But he wonders about the relationship between these pieces and his "serious" work. I nod. As I see it, there is nothing wrong with erotica per se - except thatit's a closed genre, that once a writer settles into, can be difficult to escape. A bit like vampire stories, or murder mysteries, or ...bicycle blogs for that matter.

Before heading off, Malachi gives the Binevenagh climb a try - curious after reading my description. He tells me it is steeper than the Torr Road near Ballycastle I would not even consider the previous year. I am surprised to hear that, and now I want to give Torr Road a try. Riding, like writing, does grow easier over time.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Time Trial Country

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial
"Mind you, this is only a club time trial," Chris Sharp explains as we set off toward the start on our bikes. But a small club event is exactly what I want to see. The riders in the spirit of competition, but still in their element. The local atmosphere.This is what I think is known as a training racein the US. Staged fairly frequently, it allows riders to test their fitness at different points in the season.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial
Time trials are a very particular form of racing, and a long standing tradition in the UK and Ireland. In the year 1890 bicycle racing was banned on public roads, permitted only on indoor tracks. This ban brought about a new form of racing, done under the radar of the law. Instead of racing each other outright, cyclists would start at individual intervals and race against the clock. Without drafting or riding in a bunch, there was nothing overtly identifying their activities as a road race. Participants wore no race numbers or club jerseys, adapting instead a style of all-black attire. Races were held in secret, the dates and start times shared through word of mouth. Part secret society, part act of rebellion, the tradition of time trials was born. And although the road racing ban has long since been lifted (I believe in the 1950s), time trials remain popular in the British Isles.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial

Here in the Roe Valley - a coastal region in the Western part of Northern Ireland - the landscape lends itself to time trials remarkably well. There are long, flat stretches with very little car traffic, where it's possible to pick up some real speed. There are also small, but quite steep mountains for hill climb time trials. Pick whichever you like, or try both.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial
On this particular evening, members of the Roe Valley Cycling Clubgather to compete in a 25 mile time trial: Two loops along the scenic coastal roads, twice crossing the beautiful river Roe. We pull into a parking lot outside of Limavady, just as the riders are assembling their bikes and getting prepared.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial
For those unaccustomed to modern time trial equipment, both the bikes and the riders are a sight to see.Aero bars, aero tubing, aero wheels, aero helmets...

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial
Since drafting is not permitted, much of time trialing is about reducing the individual rider's air resistance. The specialised equipment is designed to facilitate this. The rider's position is quite aggressive, with a steep seat tube and set-forward saddle placing them right over the bottom bracket. In the aero position, they ride with a flat back.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial
I try not to bother the racers at the start, but they are friendly and relaxed.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial

We meet several of them, including Laura Maxwell - Junior Ladies Ulster Hill Climb champion -whom Chris has been coaching for the past 4 years.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial
Recently turned 17, this is Laura's last year racing as a junior on limited gearing. Having trained for 10 mile time trials so far, the evening's 25 mile course would be a new challenge.She is the only junior and the only female racing today.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial

Once the riders' bikes are prepped, all gathered move on from the parking lot to the start of the race - a field along an adjacent road.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial

These are race marshals, riders, some family members there as support crews, even a few spectators.

Wallace Donaghy

I meet Wallace Donaghy. In the 1950s he raced with theCity ofDerry Wheelmen, time trial and road. No longer racing himself, he comes to watch the local riders. Today Wallace rides a Raleigh Appalachian - a lugged steel mountain bike circa 1989. He also has a carbon race bike. He examines my titanium frame as we discuss frame materials, waiting for the race to start.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial

The riders line up for their starts at intervals. Watching this is fascinating.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial

A marshall holds the bike by the saddle as the rider clips in, then continues to hold the bike in place. Another marshall then starts counting back from 15 seconds.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial

When the sign to go is given, it appears as if the marshall at the back is simply letting go of the saddle and the rider slingshots forward. In fact, it's explained to me, the marshal gives the rider a little push, allowing them to start in a bigger gear that otherwise feasible.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial

As the rider takes off, they start off holding the wider set of handlebars. These somewhat resemble "bullhorns," and are equipped with inverse brake levers.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial

Standing on the pedals and rocking the bike back and forth, the rider quickly gets up to speed and switches to the aero position. This is exciting to watch. They take off in a violent sort of dance, before finally turning smooth as liquid as they disappear into the distance.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial

Once all the riders take off, we cycle over to a spot just before the finish line to watch them race at speed. They would be passing us twice, the course consisting of two laps.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial
Some time passes before we see them, but finally we spot the first rider in the distance. The support crews and spectators cheer for them, then the next and the next.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial
When we spot Laura, the crowd goes wild - her mother, sister and uncle.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial

On her second go around the course, I stand closer to get a better look. She is in the zone, head down, eyes forward, a faint smile on her lips as she flies past us. Her posture on the bike is amazing: Her entire body perfectly still, except for the legs going round and round in circles.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial

One by one I watch the riders pass. There is an almost coccoon-like stillness around each one, as if each is in their own little world, surrounded by a force field.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial

On the final lap, I watch one rider pass another. This can be quite challenging in a time trial: The rider must pass immediately, since they are not allowed to draft.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial

Making our way to the finish, we arrive to the sight of riders cooling down, drinking, chatting with each other about the race. Laura did well, particularly considering the new distance. The numbers don't mean much to me yet, but I am interested nonetheless and listen to the rider's chatter intently.

Roe Valley 25 Mile Time Trial

The sun begins to set. This happens slowly here. It will not be dark for hours yet. The riders set off to their homes, in surrounding towns, villages and farms. I put my camera away and get back on my bike. "How did you like that, then?" Chris asks. I shake my head and smile, as we cross the River Roe for the 3rd time that evening. Of all the things I saw, it's the stillness of the riders that is etched in my memory. The absolute stillness against the wind, with only the legs going round in circles.