Yesterday my friend Roger and I spent pretty much the entire day outside photographing as much ice as we possibly could. We found countless awesome ice features throughout the day. Unfortunately at sunrise, my "big" camera (a Canon 5D Mark II, the one I take all my landscape shots with) froze up and absolutely would not work, before I was able to take a single picture! As a result, I ended up shooting most of the day with my "little" camera, a Canon G11. I had a ton of fun shooting with the G11 and came away with plenty of really neat shots taken with it.
Late in the afternoon we brought our gear inside and I tried warming up my big camera and putting a fresh charge on the battery. After a while I put the battery back in the camera and it worked! So, we headed out to shoot sunset. When we got to our planned sunset location I pulled out my camera, took 4 pictures then it froze up again and was totally unresponsive! I sure am glad I was able to get this shot before the camera froze up. We went back out this morning to shoot sunrise, and after being in the warm house all night and again putting a fresh charge on the batteries, the camera worked fine all morning. Go figure.
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