Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Delicate Yellow Columbine and a Happy Dance - Finally!

Saturday, June 4th - - We almost made it back from lunch without stopping to take photos of the flowers! Almost, but not quite. These were in the “Pioneer Garden” near the Library.

Photos taken Saturday, June 4th

Oh, and in case you think all we've been doing while in Salt Lake City is photographing the pretty flowers, I did on this day, late in the afternoon, have occasion to do the “Happy Dance” after finding a Deed where the heirs of my 4th great grandmother sold land in 1849 that had been willed to her by her father Andrew Brinker!

Previously all I had was her name Mary C. (wife of Jacob Switzer). Turns out her name was Anna Catharina, aka Catharine. A book with several updates has been published on the lineage and descendants of Andrew Brinker that take me back three more generations (with names of spouses and their parents) to Zurich Switzerland... way cool.

It was an amazing feeling when I read that little sentence in the Deed Book “It being a tract or parcel of land willed and devised by Andrew Brinker, late of Columbiana County, dec'd, to his daughter Catharine Switzer & her heirs..” The transaction was signed by her four surviving daughters and their spouses (whose names I already had from Jacob's estate settlement).

A little squeal of delight. A few tears. Lots of laughter. A “new” ancestor found – the first one in many, many years. Can you say Happy? Oh yeah. I still have the smile on my face!

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